Friday, December 20, 2013

Third WTA Work Day---Deep Lake PCT--September 2013

On Tuesday, September 3rd, we again had a bit of rain during the night that continued until midday. We continued our rock filling work, but we seem to be running out of loose rocks in our area except for the outlet Deep Lake creek bed. Liz and Vivian became our creek bedrock retrievers for almost the rest of the work party time. Here they are during one of our sunnier moments hauling out some medium-sized rocks which some of us hauled over to the turnpikes. The stepping stone rocks on the lower right are for PCT hikers who want to keep their hiking boots dry.

Here is a view of our second turnpike that is awaiting the big rock layer and two more stringer logs with the Cathedral Rock in the background. Notice the stacks of large rocks on each side waiting to be placed in the muddy base.

We still have not seen the Forest Service wrangler who is suppose to bring us some culverts for these turnpikes. We are now concentrating on finishing up the first one with the big log we had to cut.
We are still taking turns cutting the log in the first turnpike. Here is Terry taking his turn at cutting through this log.

After a good day of work, and a fabulous meal, the thunderclouds began to build up all around us as we all headed to our shelters for the night.

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